Sketch Book for the Artist

(singke) #1

One of the most influential
German artists of the 20th
century. Beuys gave performances,
taught workshops with a cult
following, and made installations,
video art, and drawings. He
was a shaman who believed
in the profound power of
intuition and in the investment
of materials with spiritual or
healing force.

Free lines This pale pencil drawing
is rather conventional for Joseph
Beuys. Many of his other works
on paper have been drawn with
symbolic materials such as honey,
iodine, gold, and blood. This figure
is drawn intuitively, free from
the constraint of immaculate
representation. Perfectly modeled
form (as we see in Seurat's drawing
opposite) is irrelevant to the
impetus and meaning of this work


Focus Beuys's hand moved
quickly to draw dotted lines flowing
downward on either side of the
figure. Unbroken lines stream from
his shoulders. His arms are seen
simultaneously in different positions.
These aspects of the work convey
movement, transience, and
fractured visibility. Our focus joins
that of the magician's on the globe.

The Secret Block for a
Secret Person in Ireland
113 / 4 x 81 / 4 in (297 x 210 mm)
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