Sketch Book for the Artist

(singke) #1

Male and female head and neck
Men's necks are generally shorter and thicker than women's because the angles and levels
of certain bones are different between the sexes (indicated here by dotted lines) and men
are normally more muscular. The male thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple) is larger and more visible
than the female. Larger female thyroid glands also soften the appearance of the throat.

Essential Observations

Male skeleton Male skull Female skull

Trapezius muscle
The largest muscle of the shoulders and neck is called the trapezius. Arranged
on either side of the spine, it shapes the upper back and neck above the shoulder
blades. Contracting in conjunction with deeper and surrounding muscles, it raises
and lowers the shoulders and draws the head back to either side.

The whole muscle Upper half with sternomastoids

Above with head forward Side with sternomastoid Front with sternomastoid

Above with head straight
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