Page numbers in italics refer
to captions and illustrations
Abe. Mamaru 104, 220, 230
The Physical Space 220
abstract drawing 219, 222,
Acanthus spinosus 65
accelerated perspective 22, 98.
Achilles Chases Hector (Thomas)
240, 241
action, to express 39,184,186
see also movement
Adoration of the Magi perspective
study (Leonardo) 74, 74, 78
aerial perspective 206
airbrushing 160, 161
Akhlaq-I Rasul Allah manuscript
All and Nothing (Taylor) 114,115
anatomical drawing 134-135
anatomical theaters 82-83
anatomical waxes 128
ancient carvings 221, 221
animals, to draw 25, 38-39,
Durer's rhinoceros 26, 26
geese 38-39
Gericault's cats 28, 29
Hugo's octopus 28, 28
Klee's horses 30,31
Picasso's horse and bird 30, 30
sleeping dog 38-39
Stubbs's horse skeleton
turtles 42-43
aquatint 240
Archimedes' Screws and Water
Wheels (Leonardo) 12, 13
architectural drawing 67-71
Arctic Flowers (Libeskind)
70, 70
Art Nouveau motifs 91
Autoportrait (Ray) 138, 139
Babur Supervising Out of the Garden
of Fidelity (Bishndas and
Nanha) 50,50, 71
Bacchante (Bakst) 155
background: color 91
textured 240
Baker Matthew: Fragments of
Ancient English Shipwrightry 32
Bakst, Leon: Bacchante 155
balance, center of 118
ballpoint 182, 182, 189, 193
in lifting out 204, 205
Baltard, Victor: West Facade of the
Church of St. Augustin 67
Basquiat, Jean Michel 138
Self-Portrait 138
Bateau-Vision, Le (Hugo) 200, 200
Bauer; Franz 48
Protea nitida 48
Bellini, Giovanni 137
Head and Shoulders of a Man
136, 137
Besler; Basilius 47
Beuys, Joseph 113
The Secret Block for a Secret
Person in Ireland 112, 113
bird bones 12,13,44-45
bird studies 12, 13 ,44-45, 250
Bishndas and Nanha: Babur
Supervising Out of the Garden of
Fidelity 50, 50, 71
Blake, William: The Circle of the
Lustful 180, 180
blending: color 133,163
dry media 205
Blue Nude (Matisse) 110, 111,163
body, to model 110-111
border 51
Bosch, Hieronymus 243
Two Monsters 242, 243
botanical drawing 48-49
Boullee, Etienne-Louis 72
Newton's Cenotaph 72, 72
bracelet shading 122
Braque, Georges 67, 90
La Guitare, Statue d'Epouvante 90
bread (as eraser) 205, 242
Brunelleschi, Filippo 67, 74
brush (es) 246-247
Japanese 248
for laying a wash 140
marks 248-249
to hold 23
brush drawings 14-15
Bryan, Clare 203
City 202, 203
Landline 202, 203
Buffalo Hunt (Shoshone) 178, 179
Bussotti, Sylvano 222, 223
Circular Score for "Due Voce" 223
calligraphy, Zen 232-233
to hold brush for 23
caricature 159,184, 190
Caricature of a Woman (Daumier)
198, 198
cartoon (preparatory drawing) 137
(satirical) 159,198, 198,
carving see lines, cut
Catling, Brian 226
Untitled 2001 226
"Cave of the Hands"
(Cueva de las Manas) 8, 8
cave paintings 8, 9
Chair (Van Gogh) 94, 95
Chair Cut Out (Woodfine) 94, 94
chalk(s) 53,89,133, 135, 244
and graphite 178
layers 53
chalk pastels 162, 162
character: to capture 38-39, 41
principal 186, 186
charcoal 114, 204-205, 206, 242
to blend 205
compressed 122, 128, 204,212
to erase 205
to hold 23
pencils 204
willow 114, 206
checkered floor 80, 81
children's art 9, 9, 74, 75, 75
Circle of the Lustful (Blake)
180, 180
Circular Score for "Due Voce"
(Bussotti) 223
circus scenes 192-195
City (Bryan) 202, 203
Claude Lorrain 202
Views from Velletri 202, 202
cloth, to depict 156-157
Cloudburst of Material Possessions
(Leonardo) 200, 201
collage 111,226, 230-231
Cubist 90, 90
colored materials 162-163
colored pencils 162, 163,169
colors: airbrushed 161
background 91
blended 133,163
graded 227
composition 56-57, 71
conte 112,162
Conte, Nicolas-Jacques 54
contours 146, 165, 244
head and neck 144
phrased 124-125
contrast: brightness 99
of media 30
tonal 96, 134
costume(s) 155
character 158-159
structure of 166-167
Cottage Among Trees (Rembrandt)
52, 52
cotton swabs 205
Coup de Vent a Asajigabare
(Hokusai) 198, 199
Courtesan Koimurasaki ofTama-ya
(Eisen) 156, 157
cropping 56-57, 133, 158, 160
Crowd Looking at Tied-Up Object
(Moore) 178, 178
Cubism 67, 90, 90, 100
curves, to draw 80, 81
cut-out model plan 94, 94
cylindrical objects, to draw 100
Cypripedium calceolus L.
(Ross-Craig) 49