TABLE 2.8. Agents Used in the Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome
O 2 Uncertain None
Aspirin Antiplatelet agent Allergy
Reduces long-term mortality
Clopidogrel Antiplatelet agent Expected CABG within 5 d
Ticlodipine Patient with aspirin allergy
Nitroglycerin Dilates coronary arteries SBP <100 mmHg
Relaxes vascular smooth muscle RV infarct
↓Preload and afterload Use of erectile dysfunction meds
↓MyocardialO 2 demand Severe AS
May↓infarct size and ↓mortality
β-Blockers ↓Sympathetic stimulation SBP <100 mmHg
↓MyocardialO 2 demand HR <60 bpm
↓VFib Pulmonary edema
↓Long-term mortality 2nd-, 3rd-degree heart block
Reactive airway disease
Morphine ↓Sympathetic activity SBP <100 mmHg
↓MyocardialO 2 demand
No proven ↓in mortality
Heparin Antithrombotic agent
Synergistic effect with ASA
LMW preferred in unstable
angina or NSTEMI
Glycoprotein Blocks platelet aggregation Active internal bleeding
IIb/IIIa Benefit in patients undergoing PCI Bleeding <30 d
inhibitors Platelet count <150,000
History of intracranial hemorrhage,
AVM, aneurysm
Stroke<30 d
Major surgery or trauma < 30 d
Thrombolytics Used in STEMI <12 h from onset See Table 2.7.
Bind plasminogen, which
degrades fibrin
“Clot busting”
Primary coronary Preferred over lytics in STEMI if: PCI not available
intervention Door to cath <90 minutes
>3 h since onset
Uncertain diagnosis
ACE inhibitors LV remodeling Pregnancy
↓CHF, sudden death and History of angioedema
subsequent MI SBP <100 mmHg
↓Mortality if EF <40% Renal failure