■ Medication: Effect or noncompliance
■ Sodium load (diet)
■ Volume overload, often iatrogenic
Decompensation may be acute or gradual in onset, depending on the under-
lying trigger. Cardiogenic pulmonary edema occurs when a rapid elevation of
pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure forces fluid from the intravascular
space into the alveolar space.
■ Fatigue, weakness, memory problems
■ Mild dyspnea to marked respiratory distress (depending on severity)
■ Left heart failure
■ Dyspnea
■ Orthopnea
■ Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
■ Right heart failure
■ Dyspnea
■ Abdominal distention or pain
■ Leg swelling
■ Diaphoresis, tachycardia, HTN: From sympathetic activation
■ Tachypnea, rales, and/or “cardiac” wheezes
■ S3 and S4 gallop
■ Underlying or associated right heart failure
■ Hepatic enlargement
■ Peripheral edema
■ Jugular venous distention
■ Hepatojugular reflex
■ End stage =severe hypoxia and ventilatory failure with mental status change
and terminal dysrhythmias
■ Look for evidence of underlying cause/event: infection, PE, valvular disease.
■ Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema in which capillary membrane perme-
abilityis compromised (infection, ARDS, drug reaction)
■ Pneumonia, asthma, COPD, PE
■ Look for LVH, ischemia, dysrhythmias.
■ Upright chest radiograph (CXR)
■ CXR findings may lag clinical findings!
■ Progression of CXR changes
■ Vascular congestion (cephalization of vessels) →
■ Interstitial edema (Kerley B lines, haziness) →
■ Alveolar infiltrates (butterfly pattern, effusions)
■ Normal heart size? Suspect noncardiogenic pulmonary edema or acute
valve failure.
■ Labs
■ To identify underlying causes: renal failure, anemia, MI, hyperkalemia
■ B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)
■ Released in response to ventricular myocyte stretch
■ Level →with severity of CHF
BNP < 100 pg/mL makes heart
failure unlikely.