
(Barré) #1

■ BNP<100 pg/dL makes heart failure unlikely.
■ BNP>500 pg/dL makes heart failure highly probable.
■ Should be compared to patient’s baseline values
■ Can be elevated in the elderly, renal failure, PE, or cor pulmonale
■ Tends to be lower in obese patients
■ Echocardiogram
■ Assesses systolic, diastolic, and valvular function


■ Aggressiveness of treatment depends on severity of presentation.
■ Supportive therapy, as needed
■ Supplemental O 2
■ Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
■ Benefits: Oxygenation, ↓work of breathing, ↓preload and afterload
■ Nitroglycerin (NTG)
■ Sublingual, then IV if needed
■ ↓Preload by venodilation
■ ↓Afterload (at high doses) via arterial vasodilation
■ Direct coronary vasodilator (good in ischemia)
■ May not be tolerated if patient is hypotensive
■ Morphine sulfate
■ ↓Myocardial O 2 consumption by ↓catecholamines
■ ↓Preload from mild vasodilator effect
■ ↓Pain and anxiety
■ May mortality
■ Furosemide
■ For patients with evidence of fluid retention that usually develops over
days; not for use in rapid decompensation as these patients are volume
neutral or even dehydrated
■ Rapid symptom relief from venodilator effect
■ Delayed effects =↓preload and pulmonary congestion by reducing
■ Nitroprusside
■ For persistent hypertension, not relieved with NTG
■ More potent arterial vasodilator than NTG, ↓afterload
■ ↓Preload via venodilator effect
■ May dilate normal coronaries more than diseased →coronary steal
■ Nesiritide
■ For acute decompensated heart failure without cardiogenic shock
■ Antagonizes renin-aldosterone system and sympathetic nervous system →
■ Diuresis
■ ↓Preload via venodilation
■ ↓Afterload via vasodilation
■ May mortality
■ Treatment of cardiogenic shock
■ Suspect if hypotension andpoor perfusion are present
■ Correct any underlying hypovolemia firstwith judicious fluid challenge
(to maximize preload).
■ Dopamine/dobutamine
■ Both are +inotropes and +chronotropes.
■ Dobutamine may exacerbate hypotension (vasodilator effect).
■ Norepinephrine
■ If persistent hypotension despite above measures
■ →Systemic vascular resistance


The echocardiogram is the
most helpful study to assess
cardiac function in heart

Furosemide may provide
rapid symptoms relief from
venodilator effects.

Nitroprusside may dilate
normal coronaries more than
diseased coronaries, causing
a coronary steal syndrome.

Norepinephrine will HR and
myocardial O 2 demand.

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