■ Nondisplaced patella fractures require immobilization in full extension
and advanced weight bearing as tolerated, with orthopedic referral.
■ Patella fractures with >3 mm displacement or loss of extensor function
mandate orthopedic referral for surgical intervention.
The patella usually displaces laterally over the lateral femoral condyle, as a
result of twisting of the knee with the leg held in a fixed position. This is
common in adolescent females.
ED reduction is accomplished by placing the knee in full extension, the
hip in some flexion, and pushing on the patella in a medial direction up
and over the lateral condyle. Procedural sedation aids reduction. Once
reduced, immobilize in full extension.
A 30-year-old female is complaining of knee pain after a motor vehicle
collision. Exam shows a grossly deformed knee with lateral and rotational
displacement. What else do you need to evaluate in this patient and how
will you do so?
The patient has a knee dislocation. It is important to check pulses, motor,
and sensation, especially investigating for injury to the popliteal artery
(7–42% dislocations) and peroneal nerve injury (25–35%). Perform arterio-
graphy or check ABI (ankle brachial index); <0.8 is an indication for arterio-
gram. For evaluation of the peroneal nerve, check sensation of the dorsum of
the foot, and strength of dorsiflexion.
Five types of knee dislocations (anterior and posterior are most common):
■ Anterior dislocation
■ Posterior dislocation
■ Medial dislocation
■ Lateral dislocation
■ Rotational dislocation
■ Immediatereduction
■ Evaluate for neurovascular injury: Check ABIs or obtain arteriogram; test
peroneal and tibial nerves.
■ Posterior splint with immobilization in 15° of flexion
■ Obtain orthopedics +/−vascular surgery consultation.
■ Peroneal nerve injury(foot drop)
■ Popliteal artery injury especially with anterior and posterior dislocations
■ Less commonly, tibial nerve injury, ligamentous and meniscal injury
Ottawa Knee Rules
Obtain radiographs if at least
one of the following is true:
■Age > 55
■Fibular head tenderness
■Isolated tenderness of
■Inability to flex knee to 90°
■Inability to bear weight in
the ED for four steps after