■ Inflate the pharyngeal balloon with 100 mL of air.
■ Inflate the distal white balloon with 5–15 mL of air.
■ Begin ventilation through the longer (blue) connector.
■ Air entry to lungs →confirms esophageal placement.
■ Air entry into stomach →tracheal placement (rare), in which case confirm
with ventilation through shorter (clear) tube.
■ Difficult airway
■ Limited mouth opening
■ Limited cervical spine mobility
■ Failed airway: Because of time required
■ Laryngeal pathology
■ Grab and elevate the tongue and jaw with nondominant hand.
■ Insert lighted stylet “loaded” with ET tube into oropharynx, with curved
tip midline and pointing inferiorly, until it sits in the posterior pharynx.
■ Rock tip forward while lifting jaw and tongue.
FIGURE 1.2. Esophageal tracheal Combitube.
(Reproduced, with permission, from Tintinalli JE, Kelen GD, Stapczynski JS. Emergency
Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004:105.)
“A blue patient is bad”: Begin
ventilation through the
Combitube’s blue connector.
Air entry into lungs confirms
correct (esophageal)
placement of device.