■ Behavioral changes (eg, increased sociability, irritability, aggressiveness,
■ CNS depression ranging from mild sedation to coma
■ Ataxia, gait instability
■ Consider other etiologies of CNS depression, especially with relatively low
serum ethanol levels.
■ Common conditions associated with ethanol use include hypoglycemia,
withdrawal, head trauma, and other toxin/drug overdose.
TABLE 6.4. ECG Findings and Associated Classes of Drugs
Bradysrhythmias β-Blockers
Sinus bradycardia Ca++channel blockers
AV block Cardiac glycosides
Other antidysrhythmic agents
Tachydysrhythmias Anticholinergics
Sinus tachycardia Sympathomimetics
SVT Stimulants
Ventricular tachycardia (VT)
QRS widening Na++channel blocking drugs:
Some anticholinergics
Tricyclic antidepressants
QTc prolongation Antidysrhythmic agents
Screening tool for conduction Antipsychotic medications
abnormality that could degenerate Antidepressants
into torsades de points Many others
Ischemic changes Sympathomimetics
Classic toxicology-related ECG findings Digoxin
Digitalis effect—seen in both therapeutic
use and overdose
Digoxin-induced bidirectional VT (rare)
Tricyclic antidepressants
Rightward deviation of the terminal
40 msec of the QRS axis