
(Barré) #1


Most lead toxicity is due to chronic, low-level exposure. Acute toxicity from
single exposures is rare.

■ Inhibits a wide variety of cellular enzymes
■ Directly damages peripheral nerves

■ Chronic lead toxicityproduces subtle, insidious, and nonspecific symp-
toms, including headache, peripheral motor neuropathy, HTN, anemia,
gout, and cognitive impairment.
■ Acute lead toxicity
■ Nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain
■ Ataxia
■ Encephalopathyand seizures

■ Diagnosis of lead toxicity requires a high index of suspicion.
■ Lead can be directly measured in whole blood.
■ Ingested lead-containing material is usually visible on X-ray.

■ Remove the patient from the source of exposure.
■ Activated charcoal does notbind metals.
■ Whole-bowel irrigation is indicated in cases of lead ingestion with visible
material on X-ray.
■ Antidote = BAL (British anti-lewisite, dimercaprol) and Ca-EDTA (calcium
disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid).
■ Use for the severely poisoned patient or level > 70 μG/dL
■ Both are parenteral chelating agents.
■ DMSA(2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid, succimer) oral chelation therapy if
no acute symptoms and level < 70 μG/dL


Arsenic-containing compounds are used in a wide variety of applications:
■ Pesticides, wood preservatives, metal alloys, chemical synthesis, and glass
■ Arsenic trioxide is used as a chemotherapeutic agent for acute promyelo-
cytic leukemia.

■ Inhibits multiple key enzymes in cellular oxidative metabolism
■ Arsine gas causes acute hemolysis by an unknown mechanism.

■ Chronic poisoning
■ Peripheral neuropathy, headache, ataxia, confusion
■ Diarrhea, constipation
■ Hyperpigmentation, Mees’ lines (transverse white lines on nails),
alopecia, various rashes
■ Malaise, anorexia, fatigue

Most lead toxicity is chronic
and causes subtle neurologic
changes and anemia.

Indications for immediate IV
chelation therapy (BAL and
Ca-EDTA) in lead toxicity =
level≥70 ug/dL or the
presence of symptoms.

Mee’s lines appear weeks to
months after arsenic
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