
(Barré) #1

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless and colorless gas produced by incom-
plete combustion of fuels or organic material.

Common sources of CO include vehicle exhaust, ovens, house fires, fur-
naces, and portable generators.

Methylene chloride, a solvent found in paint removers, degreasers, and other
similar products, is metabolized in vivo to CO following absorption.


■ Binds to hemoglobin →carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), which is incapable
of carrying O 2 →impaired O 2 delivery, cellular hypoxia, lactic acidosis
■ Shifts the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to left →↓release of O 2 to
tissues from normal hemoglobin
■ Binds to heme groups in mitochondira and triggers oxidative injury
■ CO has even greater affinity for fetal hemoglobin →higher fetal levels
and toxicity for any given maternal exposure.


The symptoms and signs of CO toxicity are vague and nonspecific, and, if not
severe, will resolve shortly after removal from CO source.

■ Headache, dizziness, weakness
■ Tachycardia, chest pain
■ Dyspnea
■ Nausea/vomiting (no diarrhea)
■ Confusion, memory impairment (delayed)
■ In severe cases: Myocardial ischemia, seizures, syncope, coma, cardiac


■ Direct measurement of COHb in either arterial or venous blood via co-
■ Normal nonsmoker = 2–3%
■ Smokers = <10%.
■ Pulse oximetry cannotdistinguish COHb from oxyhemoglobin.
■ Expected ABG findings:
■ Normal PaO 2 (measuring dissolved O 2 )
■ Metabolic acidosis (from lactateaccumulation)
■ NormalcalculatedO 2 saturation (calculated from PaO 2 )


■ Removal of the patient from CO source
■ Acute stabilization as required
■ Administration of 100%O 2 :
■ Reduces the elimination half-life of CO from approximately 4–5 hours
(room air) to 1 hour
■ Continue until COHb level is ≤5%.
■ Hyperbaric O 2 (HBO)
■ Further reduces the elimination half-life of CO to 20–30 minutes
■ Indications are listed in Table 6.20.

The solvent methylene
chloride is metabolized to
carbon monoxide after

CO poisoning:
Normal pulse oximetry
ABG with metabolic acidosis
and normal PaO 2

Elimination half life of CO
Room air: 4–5 hours
100% O 2 : 1 hour
Hyperbaric O 2 :
20–30 minutes
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