
(Barré) #1



Typhlitis is inflammation or
necrosis of the ileum and
cecum in neutropenic patients.
The mortality rate is 40—50%.

Neutropenic Fever

Neutropenic fever is defined as sustained temperatures < 38 °C or single tempera-
ture<38.3°Cin the presence of neutropenia (ANC <500 cells/μL). Fever may
be the only presenting sign. Risk of death increases as the ANC decreases.

Sources of infection:
■ Most likely sources include respiratory, urinary, GI, and line infection.
■ Bacterial infection
■ Gram-negative (Pseudomonas, E. coli, Proteus, Klebsiella)
■ Gram-positive (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus)
■ Viral infection
■ CMV, herpes
■ Opportunistic infections

■ Range from minimal symptoms to septic shock

■ CBC, chemistries, LFTs, coagulation panel
■ Cultures from indwelling catheter, blood, urine, sputum, stool

■ Hemodynamic support
■ Initiate broad spectrum antibiotic
■ Antipseudomonal aminoglycoside plus antipseudomonal PCN or
■ Antipseudomonal third generation cephalosporin (Ceftazidime) plus
■ Control source of infection with debridement if appropriate or surgical
consultation for intra-abdominal infections.

A 70-year-old male with a history of prostate cancer presents with low back
pain. The pain is worse in the recumbent position and worse with palpa-
tion. He describes retaining urine and problems with ambulation. Exam
shows decreased rectal tone, postvoid residual of 500 mL, and motor/sensory
changes. What is your suspected diagnosis and next step in management?
Acute spinal cord compression; administer dexamethasone and call neuro-
surgery and/or radiation oncologist.

Spinal Cord Compression

Presents with back pain at the level of compression with motor, sensory, auto-
nomic dysfunction below the level of compression. Etiologies include multi-
ple myeloma, lymphoma, metastatic cancer (lung, breast, prostate). The most
common site is the thoracic spine followed by lumbar and cervical spine.

■ Back pain, bilateral motor weakness, sensory changes, bladder/bowel
■ Vertebral tenderness, motor weakness, abnormal rectal tone, loss of anal
wink, areflexia, saddle anesthesia
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