
(Barré) #1
■ Nasal potential difference: Directly evaluates CFTR function by measur-
ing ion transport in the epithelial cells lining the interior of the nose
■ CXR:Shows hyperinflation, bronchiectasis, and upper lobe infiltrates;
nodules often represent mucoid impaction in the airways

■ Acute pulmonary exacerbations: Treat with chest physical therapy, bron-
chodilators, DNase, and usually two antipseudomonal antibiotics.
■ Chronic stable CF
■ Inhaled tobramycin: Slows the decline in FEV 1 and is used for long-
term therapy
■ Nebulized DNase: Improves FEV 1 and should be offered to patients
with daily cough, sputum production, and airflow obstruction
■ Azithromycin:Improves FEV 1 and reduces pulmonary exacerbations
in those infected with Pseudomonas
■ Aerobic exercise, flutter devices, external percussive vests: Help with
regular airway clearance
■ Pancreatic enzymes and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K:
Given for malabsorption
■ Nutritional counseling: Essential for proper health maintenance and
to help prevent diabetic complications, osteoporosis, and weight loss
■ Double-lung transplantation: Remains an option for severe progres-
sive pulmonary disease


This is a systemic autoimmune disorder that primarily affects the lungs and
lymphatics and is characterized by noncaseating granulomas. It is primarily a
self-limited disease of young and middle-aged adult black Americans or those
of Scandinavian descent.

■ Nonspecific constitutional symptoms such as fever, fatigue, anorexia,
weight loss, and arthralgias
■ Physical examination may reveal dry crackles, lymphadenopathy, parotid
enlargement, splenomegaly, uveitis, or skin changes (erythema nodosum).

Tuberculosis, fungal infections, rheumatoid arthritis, lymphoma, Wegener

■ Suspect based on findings of bilateral hilar adenopathy, pulmonary infil-
trates, and skin lesions
■ Diagnosis is made by a combination of clinical, radiographic, and histo-
logic findings along with exclusion of other diseases that have a similar
clinical picture.

Systemic corticosteroids


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