
(Barré) #1
■ The site and cause of the obstruction will determine presentation.
■ Crampy and intermittent abdominal pain, bilious emesis with proximal
obstruction and feculent emesis with distal obstruction, and inability to
pass stool or flatus
■ Ileus is associated with nausea, vomiting, obstipation, abdominal pain, and

■ Early:Mild abdominal distention, abdominal tenderness may be mild and
diffuse, tympanic to percussion, increased high-pitched bowel sounds
■ Late: Distention, decreased peristaltic waves and bowel sounds, acute
abdomen with strangulation and perforation
■ Ileus: Mild abdominal tenderness, minimal distention, and decreased bowel

Acute appendicitis, pancreatitis, gastroenteritis, large-bowel obstruction,

■ Labs: Leukocytosis, hemoconcentration, electrolyte abnormalities, ele-
vated serum amylase
■ AXR: Dilated small-bowel loops with air fluid levels (findings may be
absent in early, closed-loop, or high SBO); “string of pearls”sign, which
are small air pockets, may be present; absence of air in colon if late
obstruction (see Figure 11.4); free air with perforation
■ CT: Contrast-enhanced CT is highly accurate for making the diagnosis. It
delineates partial vs complete obstruction, level, and type of obstruction,
and may demonstrate the cause. It is also helpful in differentiating
between ileus and obstruction.

■ Partial SBO: It may be managed expectantly. NGT suction, bowel rest,
and fluid and electrolyte replacement are required. Surgery may be
required if obstruction does not resolve with conservative management.
■ Complete SBO: Surgical intervention is often required. NGT suction, NPO
status, and fluid and electrolyte resuscitation should be initiated preoperatively.



TABLE 11.5. Causes of Adynamic Ileus

Postoperative or trauma

Acute intraabdominal inflammatory process (peritonitis)

Electrolyte abnormalities


Severe medical illness

Pain from adynamic ileus is
usually more constant and
less intense than mechanical
small-bowel obstruction.

Plain abdominal radiographs
are 70–80% sensitive for
detection of SBO as ileus may
mimic AXR findings. CT is
80–90% sensitive.
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