
(Barré) #1
Hirshprung Disease

Disease characterized by functional obstruction of the colon due to failure of
cephalocaudal migration of parasympathetic myenteric nerve cells into the distal
bowel. The bowel fails to relax in response to distention →constipation. The agan-
glionic segment begins at the anus and extends varying distances proximally. There
is a greater incidence in males, those with a family history, and Down syndrome.

Severity is variable but almost always presents shortly after birth. Infants pass little
or no meconium in the first 24 hours after birth. Constipation is subsequently
chronic or intermittent. Other symptoms include abdominal distention, bilious
emesis, diarrhea, listlessness, reluctance to feed, and developmental delay.

■ Normal or contracted rectum on digital rectal exam with absence of feces
■ Distended abdomen, abdominal mass on palpation due to impacted stool
in the sigmoid colon

Rectal or colonic atresia, meconium ileus, meconium plug syndrome, hypo-
thyroidism, electrolyte imbalances

■ Contrast enema demonstrates narrowed (aganglionic) colon, and proximal
bowel dilatation.
■ Biopsy showing lack of ganglion cells is definitive.

Surgical resection of aganglionic bowel segment

Enterocolitis, postoperative fecal incontinence, postoperative episodic abdom-
inal distention, constipation.

Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD)

A chronic functional bowel disorder of unknown etiology that is characterized
by abdominal pain or discomfort and alterations in stool frequency and form.
There is also a lack of structural GI abnormality and underlying medical dis-
ease. The disorder is more common in women and the average age of onset is
20 years. Onset can follow a bout of gastroenteritis.

■ Chronic or intermittent diffuse colicky or crampy abdominal pain
■ Abdominal distention and bloating
■ Temporary relief with passage of flatus or bowel movement
■ Association with emotional upset or stress

Abdominal exam is generally benign but may reveal a cordlike mass in the LLQ.


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