
(Barré) #1


FIGURE 11.6. Perianal condylomata acuminata.

(Reproduced, with permission, from Gonzales R, Zeiger R (online eds.) Current Medical
Diagnosis & Treatment2008. Online edition. New York. McGraw-Hill, 2008.
http://www.accessmedicine.com. April 2008.)

TABLE 11.10. STDs That Cause Proctitis


Condyloma Perianal soft fleshy growths Chemotherapy or definitive 40% recurrence associated with
acuminata (HPV) See Figure 11.6; may spread therapy (ablation, squamous cell carcinoma
from vagina/scrotum cryotherapy, etc.)
Anoscopy to check for
intranal disease

Gonorrhea Asymptomatic to rectal pain Ceftriaxone Dissemination to heart, liver, CNS, joints
and discharge. Gram stain/
cultures for diagnosis.

Chlamydia Asymptomatic to rectal pain Azithromycin, doxycycline: Rectal scarring, abscesses, fistulas
and discharge; ulcerations 21-day course for LGV
Gram stain/cultures, ELISA, chlamydia
direct immunofluorescence,
PCR assays for diagnosis

Syphilis Primary: Chancre in the anus Penicillin Good prognosis if treated
may be painful
Secondary: Perianal
condyloma lata

Chancroid Multiple painful bleeding Azithromycin
lesions with indurated, Ceftriaxone
draining lymph nodes Fluoroquinolones

Herpes Pruritus, pain Analgesic Recurrent bouts
Discrete vesicles on Stool softener Constipation common
erythematous base Acyclovir
progressing to ulcers
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