■ Reassess breathing and heart rate (HR)after 15–30 seconds.
■ If apnea or HR < 100 bpm (by umbilical pulse or auscultation of pre-
cordium) →intubateand ventilate.
■ Reassess HR after 15–30 seconds.
■ If HR < 60 bpm→beginchest compressions.
■ Thumbs just below nipple line with hands encircling the chest
■ Depth = 1/3–1/2 depth of chest
■ Rate = 120/min
■ Compression: ventilation ratio 3:1 (with pauses for ventilation)
■ Reassess HR after 15–30 seconds.
■ If HR < 60 bpm →begindrug therapy.
■ Epinephrine
■ Narcan (as indicated)
■ Glucose
■ Normal saline (NS) bolus
■ The goal of treatment is to rapidly provide defibrillation while minimizing
interruptions in CPR.
■ Provide O 2 via BVM when available, but do not delay CPR.
■ Immediate CPR AND rapid defibrillation.
■ Critical interventions in first minute.
■ 360J monophasic (120–200J biphasic) asynchronous.
■ Administer one shock onlyat this time.
■ Immediately resume CPR after defibrillation (don’t pause to check
■ After2 minutes of CPR →check rhythm.
■ Defibrillate again, if needed.
■ Administer epinephrine. Repeat every 3–5 minutes for three doses or
a single dose of vasopressin may be substituted for the first or second
■ After2 minutes of CPR →check rhythm.
■ Defibrillate again, if needed.
■ Administer lidocaine or amiodarone as antidysrhythmic therapy.
■ Evaluate for shockable rhythm. If present, administer shock.
■ If any of the above is successful, check pulse and →postresuscitation
■ Change of rhythm to pulseless electrical activity or asystole should initiate
those algorithms (see below).
Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA)
PEA patients may be differentiated into two groups:
■ Those with electrical activity and echocardiographic evidence of cardiac
■ Those with electrical activity in the absence of any cardiac motion
■ Patients in this group have a worse outcome than those with cardiac
PEA often results from reversible causes. These must be aggressively pursued
and managed if present:
Drug therapy in neonatal
Narcan (as indicated)
NS fluid bolus
A shorter time from onset of
VFib to defibrillation = single
best determinant of successful
outcome in cardiac arrest.