
(Barré) #1


Hypothermia is clinically defined as mild, moderate, or severe.
■ Mild hypothermia (32°– 35 °C):
■ Excitation stage: Characterized by physiologic responses to generate
■ Moderate hypothermia (30°– 32 °C):
■ As temperature drops below 32°C, shivering ceases and victim enters a
stage of general slowing of body functions = adynamic stage.
■ Severe hypothermia (<30°C)
■ Patient appears dead. Ventricular fibrillation risk increases.

■ As core temperature ↓→peripheral vasoconstriction (to limit further radiant
heat loss) and shivering (to increase heat production).
■ Further decrease in temperature →generalized slowing of body functions.
■ Leftward shift of oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve→decreased release
of O 2 to tissues.
■ Renal dysfunction and peripheral vasoconstriction (central hypervolemia)
→cold diuresis→dehydration.

■ Mild hypothermia:
■ Tachycardia and tachypnea
■ Hyperactive reflexes
■ Shivering
■ Moderate to severe hypothermia:
■ Mental status change ranging from poor judgment to lethargy to coma
■ Pupils may become fixed and dilated.
■ Poor coordination, dysarthria
■ Bradycardia or ANY atrial/ventricular dysrhythmia
■ Hypoactive reflexes, muscular rigidity

■ Based on history of exposure and core body temperature
■ ECG:
■ Classic ECG = Osborne (“J”) waves appear at junction of QRS com-
plex (see Figure 13.4).
■ ST segment and QT interval are often prolonged.
■ Anydysrhythmia may occur.
■ ABG:
■ Must be corrected for core body temperature
■ Laboratory studies:
■ Hemoconcentration is common.
■ Clotting factor dysfunction
■ Thrombocytopenia
■ Hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia may be present.
■ Others, as indicated

■ Start with ABCs:
■ Continuous core temperature measurement
■ Passive rewarming:
■ For mild hypothermia
■ Blankets

With temperatures <30°C
(severe hypothermia), the
patient appears dead and the
VFib risk increases.

Patients with exposure to cold
develop a “cold diuresis,”
resulting in dehydration.

Osborne “J” waves are classic
for moderate to severe
hypothermia, but may be seen
in other conditions.

Three general methods of
Passive (noninvasive)
Active external rewarming
Active core rewarming
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