
(Barré) #1
■ Pancreatitis
■ Ingestions
■ Burns

■ Based on clinical criteria (see Table 1.16)

■ Early intubation and mechanical ventilation to decrease work of
■ Early goal-directed therapy to:
■ Maximize blood pressurethrough use of fluids and/or pressor agents
■ Improve tissue oxygenationthrough cardiac output and oxygen carry-
ing capacity
■ For patients with an SBP < 90 mmHg
■ Insertcentral lineand administer fluids to CVP of 8–12 cm H 2 O.
■ If mean arterial pressure remains < 65 mmHg →beginnorepinephrine.
■ Stimulates α- and β-adrenergic receptors, increasing peripheral vas-
cular tone
■ Alternative agent = dopamine
■ Now measure the central venous oxygen saturation(ScvO 2 ).
■ If<70%→transfuse PRBCsto Hgb concentration of >10 g/dl.
■ If ScvO 2 remains<70%→begindobutamine.
■ Stimulates →β 1 -adrenergic receptors, increases cardiac contractility
and HR with mild dilation of the peripheral vascular bed
■ Early broad spectrum antibiotics
■ Empiric (source unknown)coverage for nonneutropenic patient:
■ Neonates: Ampicillin +cefotaxime
■ Child: Vancomycin +cefotaxime
■ Adult: Vancomycin +imipenem
■ Low-dose corticosteroids if refractory hypotension to treat relative adrenal


TABLE 1.16 Clinical Criteria for Diagnosis of SIRS and Sepsis

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)

Two or more of the following:
HR > 90 bpm
Temperature < 36°C or > 38°C
RR > 20 breaths/min or PaCO2 < 32 mmHg
WBC ct < 4000 cells/ mm^3 or> 12000 cells/ mm^3 or> 10% immature

SIRS associated with a source of infection

Severe sepsis
Sepsis associated with organ dysfunction, hypoperfusion, or hypotension

Early goal-directed therapy:
Administer fluids to CVP of
8–12 cm H 2 O.
Begin norepinephrine if MAP
remains <65 mmHg.
Transfuse PRBCs to Hgb > 10
g/dL if ScvO 2 <70%.
Begin dobutamine if ScvO 2
remains <70%.

Low-dose corticosteroids are
used to treat relative adrenal
insufficiency in refractory
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