
(Barré) #1



■ Has both α-andβ-adrenergic activitycaused by release of dopamine and
NE from neuronal stores
■ Widely available in health food stores
■ Can cause severe cardiovascular and neurologic toxicity, psychosis, hyper-
tension if abused

■ Aperipheralα-adrenergic agonistthat causes significant vasoconstriction
with hypertension and reflex bradycardia
■ Has been withdrawn from the marketsecondary to associated intracranial


Opiatesproperly refer to products derived from opium alkaloids (eg, mor-
phine, codeine) and nonalkaloids (eg, heroin). Opioidsare any drug that has
morphine-like effects by binding to the opioid receptors in the CNS (eg,
propoxyphene, methadone).

Symptoms vary with dose and frequency of use. Patients typically present with
psychomotor agitation or retardation, impaired judgment and attention, drowsi-
ness or coma, slurred speech, respiratory depression.

Alcohol intoxication, sedative/hypnotic use, toxic overdose (clonidine, organo-
phosphates, phenothiazines), carbon monoxide poisoning, hypoglycemia,
hypoxia, CNS infections, postictal states, pontine hemorrhage

Diagnosis is clinical. Classic triad is coma, miosis, and respiratory depression.

■ ABCs, IV/O 2 /monitor, dextrose stick
■ Narcan is a pure antagonist that can be administered via IV, IM, SC, SL,
or via the endotracheal tube. It is effective in life-threatening overdoses or
if the diagnosis is uncertain.
■ Onset of action is 1–2 minutes.
■ Duration is about 20–60 minutes. Repeated boluses or an infusion may
be necessary, especially for long-acting opioids such as methadone.
■ Begin with small doses 0.2–0.4 mg to avoid acute withdrawal.
■ Observe for 4–6 hours in the ED, and admit those with long-lasting inges-
tion, those requiring an infusion or repeated boluses.

■ A rare complication of opioid toxicity
■ Suspect in any patient with tachypnea, rales, decreased O 2 saturations
with normal cardiac silhouette on CXR

Pupillary constriction is not
always present as patients can
get mydriasis from coingestants
or anoxia. Furthermore,
meperidine, propoxyphene,
and pentazocine may dilate the

Remember to check an
acetaminophen level on
patients with possible
ingestion of an opioid-
acetaminophen combination.
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