
(Barré) #1


A 55-year-old woman with a history of depression treated with phenelzine
presents to the ED after drinking Chianti wine at dinner. What is the hallmark
symptom of the tyramine reaction?
Severe occipital or temporal headache.

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) Toxicity

Monoamine oxidase (MAO) is a major enzyme in the metabolism of nor-
epinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. MAO also decreases the availability of
absorbed dietary biogenic amines (tyramine) in the body via hepatic and
intestinal metabolism (see Table 16.9).

TABLE 16.9. MAOI Toxicity


MAOI Can be Agitation, mydriasis, Symphatomimetic ■Activated charcoal/ gastric lavage
overdose delayed rigidity, hyperthermia, or PCP intoxication, for overdose
up to coma, hyperreflexia, alcohol or sedative ■Supportive care
24 hr nystagmus, seizures, withdrawal, CVA, ■Phentolamine and nitroprusside
tachycardia, hypertension; ICH, meningitis, for severe hypertension.
can cause hypotension encephalitis, ■Nifedipine or prazosin for moderate
and bradycardia if severe serotonin syndrome, hypertension.
neuroleptic malignant ■Lidocaine for ventricular arrhythmias
syndrome, heat ■Avoid β-blockers and Ca channel
stroke, acute blockers (unopposed αreceptor
coronary stimulation, can also worsen
syndrome (ACS), hypotension and bradycardia).
pheochromocytoma, ■IV fluids for rhabdomyolysis
thyroid storm, ■Dantrolene for life-threatening
malignant hyperthermia.
hyperthermia. ■Benzodiazepines for agitation
■Observe for 4—6 hr, admit for those
with persistent symptoms.

Tyramine 15—90 min Rapid onset of severe occipital/ Same as for MAOI Same as for MAOI overdose
reaction after temporal headache, overdose
ingestion hypertension, diaphoresis,
mydriasis, neck stiffness,
neuromuscular excitation,
palpitations, chest pain.

MAOI Minutes to MAOI have interactions Same as for MAOI Same as for MAOI overdose
drug hours with multiple drugs, namely, overdose
interaction Meperidine, dextromethorphan,
tramadol, and SSRI can
precipitateserotonin syndrome

Complications of MAOI toxicity,
although rare, include
intracranial hemorrhage and
myocardial infarction. Do a
head CT for persistent, severe
headache or focal neurological
findings, and an ECG on all
patients with chest pain!
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