Epididymitis exam findings:
Swollen tender epididymis
Relief with elevation of
scrotum (Prehn sign)
Normal cremasteric reflex
■ Supportive care with analgesia, bed rest, elevation of scrotum
■ Antibiotics
■ Prepubertal boys: Augmentin or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
■ Men <35 years: Ceftriaxone and doxycycline
■ Men≥35 years: Fluoroquinolone
■ Referral to urologist
■ Criteria for admission:
■ Immunocompromised
■ Intractable pain
■ Complicating abscess
■ Failure of therapy
■ Bacteremia
■ Bilateral involvement
Orchitis is an acute infection involving the testis. It most commonly is due
to secondary spread of bacterial epididymitis (see above) but may be viral in
nature, most commonly due to mumps. Orchitis is typically unilateral (even
■ Testicular pain, swelling, and tenderness
■ Pain may be out of proportion to exam findings
■ Fevers/chills
■ If mump related, may be associated with parotitis and other nonspecific viral
■ As with epididymitis, above
■ If viral, supportive therapy only
■ If bacterial, treat as above for epididymitis.
A 19-year-old male is crossing his campus to class and experiences
sudden onset of L flank and testicular pain. He has a history of kidney
stones and reports that this pain is as severe as with previous kidney
stones. On presentation to the ED, he has minimal costovertebral angle tender-
ness, minimal left lower quadrant tenderness, and a diffusely tender L testicle
with loss of cremasteric reflex. What is the first test that should be ordered?
Testicular ultrasound with Doppler. Obtain immediate urologic consultation.
Although testicular torsion usually occurs following strenuous activity, it may
occur after minimal exertion or even during sleep. Pain is usually severe and
felt in the left lower quadrant, inguinal canal, or testes. On examination, the
involved testis is usually firm and tender and rides higher than the unaffected