
(Barré) #1

decontamination of, 315–318
esophageal disorders, 529–537
irritants, 655
large bowel emergencies,
pregnancy, 600
procedures, 870–874
small intestine emergencies,
stomach emergencies, 540–543
gastrointestinal anthrax, 906
GBS (Guillain-Barré syndrome),
759–760, 875
GC (gonococcal) infections,
226, 427–428
GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale), 144
GEBT (gastroesophageal balloon
tamponade) tubes, 873
gelatins, 61
generalized anxiety disorder
(GAD), 785
generalized seizures, 729
genitourinary (GU) system. See
alsorenal and genitourinary
pediatric, 275–278
trauma to, 175–179, 850–851
genotyping, 523
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux
disease), 530–532
German measles, 254–255,
287, 819
GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate),
GI system. Seegastrointestinal
giant cell arteritis, 482, 740–741
GL (gastric lavage), 316–317
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), 144
glinide derivatives, 348
glomerular proteinuria, 823
glomerulonephritis, 827–828
glucagon, 380
glucose, 44–45
glycogen storage diseases,
glycoprotein (GP) inhibitors,
83, 471
glycopyrrolate, 882
gonococcal (GC) infections,
226, 427–428
gonorrhea, 561
Goodpasture syndrome, 483
Goodsall’s rule, 562–563
gout, 225
GP (glycoprotein) inhibitors,
83, 471
graded exercise stress testing, 129
graft rejection, 834–835
gram stains, 504

grand mal seizures, 729
granuloma inguinale, 841
great vessels, 167–168
Greenstick fractures, 299
Grey-Turner sign, 114
grief reactions, 784
ground emergency transportation,
GU system. Seegenitourinary
system; renal and genitouri-
nary emergencies
guanadrel, 346
guanethidine, 346
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS),
759–760, 875
gum elastic bougies, 6
gynecology. Seeobstetrics and

Hymenolepis diminuta, 444
Hymenolepis nana, 444
H 2 S (hydrogen sulfide), 362–363,
472, 522
HACE (high-altitude cerebral
edema), 642–644
Haemophilus influenzae, 503
hairy leukoplakia, 424
alcohol withdrawal, 774
mushrooms, 656
plants, 654–655
hallucinogens, 779–780
Hamman sign, 164, 519, 535
HA-MRSA (hospital-acquired
MRSA), 434–435
hand injuries, 197
hand-foot-mouth disease, 256–257,
289, 817, 819
Hangman fractures, 153, 155
hantavirus, 418–419
HAPE (high-altitude pulmonary
edema), 641–642
HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma),
HCM (hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy), 101–102
HD (hemodialysis), 318–320, 831
basilar skull fractures, 149–150
concussion, 151
facial trauma, 668–675
intracranial hemorrhage,
midface fractures, 676–678
skull convexity fractures, 150
trauma to, 145–147
head lice, 291
headaches, 736–744

Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act
(HIPAA), 919–920
hearing loss, 666
heart blocks, 248
heart failure, 88–93
heart transplants, 484–485
heat exhaustion, 628–629
heat stroke, 629–630
heat-related illness, 627–630
Heimlich maneuver, 17
Heinz bodies, 456
Helicobacter pylori, 531–532, 541
heliox, 500
HELLP syndrome, 593–594
hemangioma, 573
hematuria, 824–825
hemodialysis (HD), 318–320,
hemodynamic instability, 19
hemolytic anemia, 454–461
hemolytic transfusion reactions, 62
hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS),
277–278, 461, 829
hemophilia, 467–468
hemoptysis, 494–495
hemorrahages, 144
hemorrhagic shock, 52–53, 157
hemorrhagic smallpox, 909
hemorrhagic stroke, 725–727
hemorrhoids, 563–564
hemostasis, 462–468
hemothorax, 160–161
hemp plant, 650, 654–655, 780
Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP),
226, 279–281, 482–483
heparin, 83, 335
hepatic abscesses, 571–572
hepatic adenoma, 573
hepatic encephalopathy, 570–571
hepatic injuries, 314
hepatitis, 432, 566–569
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC),
hepatomegaly, AIDS-associated,
hepatorenal syndrome, 571
hepatotoxicity, 657
herald patch, 251
hereditary spherocytosis, 454–455
herpes simplex keratitis, 703–704
herpes simplex virus (HSV), 603
herpes zoster ophthalmicus,
herpetic whitlow, 815
HF (hydrofluoric) acid, 190,
high-altitude cerebral edema
(HACE), 642–644
high-altitude illness, 640–644
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