Fundamentals of Software
Engineering for Games
n this chapter, we’ll briefl y review the basic concepts of object-oriented pro-
gramming and then delve into some advanced topics which should prove
invaluable in any soft ware engineering endeavor (and especially when creat-
ing games). As with Chapter 2, I hope you will not to skip this chapter en-
tirely; it’s important that we all embark on our journey with the same set of
tools and supplies.
3.1 C++ Review and Best Practices
3.1.1. Brief Review of Object-Oriented Programming
Much of what we’ll discuss in this book assumes you have a solid understand-
ing of the principles of object-oriented design. If you’re a bit rusty, the follow-
ing section should serve as a pleasant and quick review. If you have no idea
what I’m talking about in this section, I recommend you pick up a book or two
on object-oriented programming (e.g., [5]) and C++ in particular (e.g., [39] and
[31]) before continuing. Classes and Objects
A class is a collection of att ributes (data) and behaviors (code) which together
form a useful, meaningful whole. A class is a specifi cation describing how in-