Game Engine Architecture

(Ben Green) #1

5.1. Subsystem Start-Up and Shut-Down 199

on the fi rst invocation of that function. So if our global singleton is function-
static, we can control the order of construction for our global singletons.

class RenderManager

// Get the one and only instance.
static RenderManager& get()
// This function-static will be constructed on the
// first call to this function.
static RenderManager sSingleton;
return sSingleton;

// Start up other managers we depend on, by
// calling their get() functions first...

// Now start up the render manager.
// ...

// Shut down the manager.
// ...

You’ll fi nd that many soft ware engineering textbooks suggest this de-
sign, or a variant that involves dynamic allocation of the singleton as shown

static RenderManager& get()
static RenderManager* gpSingleton = NULL;
if (gpSingleton == NULL)
gpSingleton = new RenderManager;
return *gpSingleton;
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