Game Engine Architecture

(Ben Green) #1

204 5. Engine Support Systems

if(LogManager::getSingletonPtr() == 0)
mLogManager = new LogManager();
mLogManager->createLog(logFileName, true, true);

// Dynamic library manager
mDynLibManager = new DynLibManager();
mArchiveManager = new ArchiveManager();

// ResourceGroupManager
mResourceGroupManager = new ResourceGroupManager();

// ResourceBackgroundQueue
= new ResourceBackgroundQueue();
// and so on...

Ogre provides a templated Ogre::Singleton base class from which all of its
singleton (manager) classes derive. If you look at its implementation, you’ll
see that Ogre::Singleton does not use deferred construction, but instead
relies on Ogre::Root to explicitly new each singleton. As we discussed above,
this is done to ensure that the singletons are created and destroyed in a well-
defi ned order. Naughty Dog’s Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
The Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune engine created by Naughty Dog Inc. uses a
similar explicit technique for starting up its subsystems. You’ll notice by look-
ing at the following code that engine start-up is not always a simple sequence
of allocating singleton instances. A wide range of operating system services,
third party libraries, and so on must all be started up during engine initial-
ization. Also, dynamic memory allocation is avoided wherever possible, so
many of the singletons are statically-allocated objects (e.g., g_fileSystem,
g_languageMgr, etc.) It’s not always prett y, but it gets the job done.

Err BigInit()

U8* pPhysicsHeap = new(kAllocGlobal, kAlign16)
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