Game Engine Architecture

(Ben Green) #1

224 5. Engine Support Systems

  • Linked list. An ordered collection of elements not stored contiguously
    in memory but rather linked to one another via pointers (e.g., STL’s

  • Stack. A container that supports the last-in-fi rst-out (LIFO) model
    for adding and removing elements, also known as push/pop (e.g.,

  • Queue. A container that supports the fi rst-in-fi rst-out (FIFO) model for
    adding and removing elements (e.g., std::queue).

  • Deque. A double-ended queue—supports effi cient insertion and removal
    at both ends of the array (e.g., std::deque).

  • Priority queue. A container that permits elements to be added in any or-
    der and then removed in an order defi ned by some property of the ele-
    ments themselves (i.e., their priority). It can be thought of as a list that
    stays sorted at all times. A priority queue is typically implemented as a
    binary search tree (e.g., std::priority_queue).

  • Tr e e. A container in which elements are grouped hierarchically. Each ele-
    ment (node) has zero or one parent and zero or more children. A tree is
    a special case of a DAG (see below).

  • Binary search tree (BST). A tree in which each node has at most two chil-
    dren, with an order property to keep the nodes sorted by some well-de-
    fi ned criteria. There are various kinds of binary search trees, including
    red-black trees, splay trees, SVL trees, etc.

  • Binary heap. A binary tree that maintains itself in sorted order, much like
    a binary search tree, via two rules: the shape property, which specifi es that
    the tree must be fully fi lled and that the last row of the tree is fi lled from
    left to right; and the heap property, which states that every node is, by some
    user-defi ned criterion, “greater than” or “equal to” all of its children.

  • Dictionary. A table of key-value pairs. A value can be “looked up” ef-
    fi ciently given the corresponding key. A dictionary is also known as a
    map or hash table, although technically a hash table is just one possible
    implementation of a dictionary (e.g., std::map, std::hash_map).

  • Set. A container that guarantees that all elements are unique according to
    some criteria. A set acts like a dictionary with only keys, but no values.

  • Graph. A collection of nodes connected to one another by unidirectional
    or bidirectional pathways in an arbitrary patt ern.

  • Directed acyclic graph (DAG). A collection of nodes with unidirectional
    (i.e., directed) interconnections, with no cycles (i.e., there is no non-empty
    path that starts and ends on the same node).

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