Game Engine Architecture

(Ben Green) #1

228 5. Engine Support Systems

tion. If an algorithm executes a subalgorithm n times, and the subalgorithm is
O(log n), then the resulting algorithm would be O(n log n).
To select an appropriate container class, we should look at the opera-
tions that we expect to be most common, then select the container whose per-
formance characteristics for those operations are most favorable. The most
common orders you’ll encounter are listed here from fastest to slowest: O(1),
O(log n), O(n), O(n log n), O(n^2 ), O(nk) for k > 2.
We should also take the memory layout and usage characteristics
of our containers into account. For example, an array (e.g., int a[5] or
std::vector) stores its elements contiguously in memory and requires no
overhead storage for anything other than the elements themselves. (Note that
a dynamic array does require a small fi xed overhead.) On the other hand, a
linked list (e.g., std::list) wraps each element in a “link” data structure
that contains a pointer to the next element and possibly also a pointer to the
previous element, for a total of up to eight bytes of overhead per element. Also,
the elements in a linked list need not be contiguous in memory and oft en
aren’t. A contiguous block of memory is usually much more cache-friendly
than a set of disparate memory blocks. Hence, for high-speed algorithms, ar-
rays are usually bett er than linked lists in terms of cache performance (unless
the nodes of the linked list are themselves allocated from a small, contiguous
memory block of memory, which is rare but not entirely unheard of). But a
linked list is bett er for situations in which speed of inserting and removing
elements is of prime importance.

5.3.4. Building Custom Container Classes

Many game engines provide their own custom implementations of the com-
mon container data structures. This practice is especially prevalent in console
game engines and games targeted at mobile phone and PDA platforms. The
reasons for building these classes yourself include:

  • Total control. You control the data structure’s memory requirements, the
    algorithms used, when and how memory is allocated, etc.

  • Opportunities for optimization. You can optimize your data structures
    and algorithms to take advantage of hardware features specifi c to the
    console(s) you are targeting; or fi ne-tune them for a particular applica-
    tion within your engine.

  • Customizability. You can provide custom algorithms not prevalent in
    third-party libraries like STL (for example, searching for the n most-
    relevant elements in a container, instead of just the single most-rele-

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