Game Engine Architecture

(Ben Green) #1

256 5. Engine Support Systems

and a special item is returned that will bring up the menu when selected.
Presumably the code calling this function would add this item to the parent
menu that it is building.

DMENU::ItemSubmenu * CreateRailVehicleMenu()
extern bool g_railVehicleDebugDraw2D;
extern bool g_railVehicleDebugDrawCameraGoals;
extern float g_railVehicleFlameProbability;

DMENU::Menu * pMenu = new DMENU::Menu(

new DMENU::ItemBool("Draw 2D Spring Graphs",

new DMENU::ItemBool("Draw Goals (Untracked)",

DMENU::ItemFloat * pItemFloat;
pItemFloat = new DMENU::ItemFloat(
DMENU:: EditFloat, 5, "%5.2f",
& g_railVehicleFlameProbability);

pItemFloat->SetRangeAndStep(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 0.01f);

DMENU::ItemSubmenu * pSubmenuItem;
pSubmenuItem = new DMENU::ItemSubmenu(
"RailVehicle...", pMenu);

return pSubmenuItem;

The value of any option can be saved by simply marking it with the circle
butt on on the PS3 joypad when the corresponding menu item is selected. The
menu sett ings are saved in an INI-style text fi le, allowing the saved global vari-
ables to retain the values across multiple runs of the game. The ability to con-
trol which options are saved on a per-menu-item basis is highly useful, because
any option which is not saved will take on its programmer-specifi ed default
value. If a programmer changes a default, all users will “see” the new value,
unless of course a user has saved a custom value for that particular option.
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