Game Engine Architecture

(Ben Green) #1

as shown in Figure 8.6). Because of this common usage, analog inputs are
sometimes called analog axes , or just axes.
On some devices, certain butt ons are analog as well, meaning that the
game can actually detect how hard the player is pressing on them. However,
the signals produced by analog butt ons are usually too noisy to be particu-
larly usable. I have yet to see a game that uses analog butt on inputs eě ectively
(although some may very well exist!)
Strictly speaking, analog inputs are not really analog by the time they
make it to the game engine. An analog input signal is usually digitized, mean-
ing it is quantized and represented using an integer in soft ware. For example,
an analog input might range from –32,768 to 32,767 if represented by a 16-bit
signed integer. Sometimes analog inputs are converted to fl oating-point—
the values might range from –1 to 1, for instance. But as we know from Sec-
tion, fl oating-point numbers are really just quantized digital values as
Reviewing the defi nition of XINPUT_GAMEPAD (repeated below), we can
see that Microsoft chose to represent the defl ections of the left and right thumb
sticks on the Xbox 360 gamepad using 16-bit signed integers (sThumbLX
and sThumbLY for the left stick and sThumbRX and sThumbRY for the right).
Hence, these values range from –32,768 (left or down) to 32,767 (right or up).
However, to represent the positions of the left and right shoulder triggers,
Microsoft chose to use 8-bit unsigned integers (bLeftTriggerand bRight-
Trigger respectively). These input values range from 0 (not pressed) to 255
(fully pressed). Diě erent game machines use diě erent digital representions
for their analog axes.

typedef struct _XINPUT_GAMEPAD {
WORD wButtons;


y (1 , 1)

(– 1, – 1)

(0 .1 , 0. 3)

Figure 8.6. Two analog inputs can be used to represent the x and y defl ection of a joystick.

8.3. Types of Inputs

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