18 1. Introduction
State-of-the-art fi ghting games like EA’s Fight Night Round 3 (Figure 1.6)
have upped the technological ante with features like
z high-defi nition character graphics, including realistic skin shaders with
subsurface scatt ering and sweat eff ects;
z high-fi delity character animations;
z physics-based cloth and hair simulations for the characters.
It’s important to note that some fi ghting games like Heavenly Sword take
place in a large-scale virtual world, not a confi ned arena. In fact, many people
consider this to be a separate genre, sometimes called a brawler. This kind of
fi ghting game can have technical requirements more akin to those of a fi rst-
person shooter or real-time strategy game.
Figure 1.5. Tekken 3 (PlayStation).