386 9. Tools for Debugging and Development
mer’s job is ensuring that his or her code runs effi ciently and within budget.
As we saw when we discussed the 80-20 and 90-10 rules in Chapter 2, a large
percentage of your code probably doesn’t need to be optimized. The only way
to know which bits require optimization is to measure your game’s performance.
We discussed various third-party profi ling tools in Chapter 2. However, these
tools have various limitations and may not be available at all on a console. For
Figure 9.11. The Uncharted 2 engine also provides a profi le hierarchy display that allows the
user to drill down into particular function calls in inspect their costs.
Figure 9.10. The profi le category display in the Uncharted 2: Among Theives engine shows
coarse timing fi gures for various top-level engine systems.