Height maps are oft en used for parallax mapping and relief mapping —two
techniques that can make a planar surface appear to have rather extreme
height variation that properly self-occludes and self-shadows. Figure 10.49
shows an example of parallax occlusion mapping implemented in DirectX 9.
A height map can also be used as a cheap way to generate surface normals.
This technique was used in the early days of bump mapping. Nowadays, most
game engines store surface normal information explicitly in a normal map,
rather than calculating the normals from a height map. Specular/Gloss Maps
When light refl ects directly off a shiny surface, we call this specular refl ection.
The intensity of a specular refl ection depends on the relative angles of the
viewer, the light source, and the surface normal. As we saw in Section,
the specular intensity takes the form kS(RV⋅ ),α where R is the refl ection of
the light’s direction vector about the surface normal, V is the direction to the
viewer, kS is the overall specular refl ectivity of the surface, and α is called the
specular power.
Many surfaces aren’t uniformly glossy. For example, when a person’s face
is sweaty and dirty, wet regions appear shiny, while dry or dirty areas appear
dull. We can encode high-detail specularity information in a special texture
map known as a specular map.
If we store the value of kS in the texels of a specular map, we can control
how much specular refl ection should be applied at each texel. This kind of
specular map is sometimes called a gloss map. It is also called a specular mask,
because zero-valued texels can be used to “mask off ” regions of the surface
where we do not want specular refl ection applied. If we store the value of α
in our specular map, we can control the amount of “focus” our specular high-
Figure 10.49. DirectX 9 parallax occlusion mapping. The surface is actually a fl at disc; a height
map texture is used to defi ne the surface details.
10.3. Advanced Lighting and Global Illumination