478 10. The Rendering Engine
produce general refl ections of the surrounding environment on the surfaces
of shiny objects. Direct refl ections in fl at surfaces like mirrors can be produced
by refl ecting the camera’s position about the plane of the refl ective surface and
then rendering the scene from that refl ected point of view into a texture. The
texture is then applied to the refl ective surface in a second pass. Caustics
Caustics are the bright specular highlights arising from intense refl ections or
refractions from very shiny surfaces like water or polished metal. When the
refl ective surface moves, as is the case for water, the caustic eff ects glimmer
and “swim” across the surfaces on which they fall. Caustic eff ects can be pro-
duced by projecting a (possibly animated) texture containing semi-random
bright highlights onto the aff ected surfaces. An example of this technique is
shown in Figure 10.55.
Figure 10.55. Water caustics produced by projecting an animated texture onto the affected
surfaces. Subsurface Scattering
When light enters a surface at one point, is scatt ered beneath the surface,
and then reemerges at a diff erent point on the surface, we call this subsurface
scatt ering. This phenomenon is responsible for the “warm glow” of human
skin, wax, and marble statues. Subsurface scatt ering is described by a more-
advanced variant of the BRDF (see Section known as the BSSRDF
(bidirectional surface scatt ering refl ectance distribution function).
Subsurface scatt ering can be simulated in a number of ways. Depth-map–
based subsurface scatt ering renders a shadow map (see Section, but
instead of using it to determine which pixels are in shadow, it is used to mea-
sure how far a beam of light would have to travel in order to pass all the way