Game Engine Architecture

(Ben Green) #1

1.6. Runtime Engine Architecture 29

Gameplay Foundations

Dynamic Game Object Model Event/Messaging System

Scripting System
Static World Elements Real-Time Agent-Based Simulation World Loading / Streaming

High-Level Game Flow System/FSM

Skeletal Animation


Kinematics (IK)Inverse Post-ProcessingGame-Specific
Additive BlendingLERP and Animation Playback Sub-skeletal Animation

Animation State Tree & Layers

Profiling & Debugging

Performance StatsMemory &
In-Game Menus or Console

Recording & Playback

Object AttachmentHierarchical

3 rd Party SDKs
DirectX, OpenGL, libgcm, Edge, etc. Havok, PhysX, ODE etc. Boost++ STL / STLPort Kynapse Granny, Havok Animation, etc. Euphoria etc.

Hardware (PC, XBOX360, PS3, etc.)

Platform Independence Layer
Platform Detection Atomic Data Types Collections and Iterators File System Network Transport Layer (UDP/TCP) Hi-Res Timer Threading Library WrappersGraphics Physics /Coll. Wrapper

Core Systems
Module Start-Up and Shut-Down
Parsers (CSV, XML, etc.)

Assertions Unit Testing Memory Allocation Math Library Hashed String IdsStrings and Debug Printing and Logging
Profiling / Stats Gathering Engine Config(INI files etc.) Random Number Generator Surfaces LibraryCurves & RTTI / Reflection & Serialization Object Handles / Unique Ids

Localization Services
AsynchronousFile I/O

Movie Player
Memory Card I/O (Older Consoles)

Resources (Game Assets)

Resource Manager

3D Model Resource ResourceTexture ResourceMaterial ResourceFont ResourceSkeleton ResourceCollision ParametersPhysics World/MapGame etc.

Human Interface Devices (HID)

Physical DeviceI/O

Game-Specific Interface


Audio Playback / Management

3D Audio Model

Online Multiplayer
Match-Making & Game Mgmt.

Game State Replication

Scene Graph / Culling Optimizations Object Authority Policy
(BSP Spatial Subdivision Tree, kd-Tree, ...)Occlusion & PVS LOD System

Visual Effects

Particle & Decal Systems Post Effects

HDR Lighting Subsurf. ScatterPRT Lighting,
Environment Mapping

Dynamic ShadowsLight Mapping &

Front End
Heads-Up Display (HUD) Full-Motion Video (FMV)
In-Game GUI In-Game Menus Wrappers / Attract Mode

In-Game Cinematics (IGC)

Collision & Physics


Rigid Bodies Phantoms

ConstraintsForces & Casting (Queries)Ray/Shape

Physics/Collision World

Ragdoll Physics


Game-Specific Rendering

Terrain Rendering Water Simulation & Rendering


Player Mechanics

Collision Manifold Movement

State Machine & Animation

Game Cameras

Player-Follow Camera Through CamDebug Fly-

Fixed Cameras Scripted/Animated Cameras


Sight Traces & Perception Path Finding (A*)

Camera-Relative Controls (HID) Goals & Decision-Making (Engine Interface)Actions

Weapons Power-Ups Vehicles Puzzles etc.

Low-Level Renderer

SubmissionPrimitive Virtual ScreensViewports &

Materials & Shaders

Surface Mgmt.Texture and
Graphics Device Interface

Static & Dynamic Lighting Cameras Text & Fonts
Debug Drawing(Lines etc.)

Skeletal Mesh Rendering

Figure 1.11. Runtime game engine architecture.

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