Game Engine Architecture

(Ben Green) #1

534 11. Animation Systems

of the skeleton corresponding to an arbitrary point b within the triangle, as
illustrated in Figure 11.35.
But how can we calculate a LERP blend between three animation clips?
Thankfully, the answer is simple: the LERP function can actually operate on
any number of inputs, because it is really just a weighted average. As with any
weighted average, the weights must add to one. In the case of a two-input
LERP blend, we used the weights β and (1 – β), which of course add to one.
For a three-input LERP, we simply use three weights, α, β, and γ = (1 – α – β).
Then we calculate the LERP as follows:

(PLERP)j jj=α( )PP 01 +β( )+ −α−β(1 )( ) .P 2 j (11.13)
Given the two-dimensional blend vector b, we fi nd the blend weights α,
β, and γ by fi nding the barycentric coordinates of the point b relative to the
triangle formed by the three clips in two-dimensional blend space (htt p:// In
general, the barycentric coordinates of a point b within a triangle with vertices
b 1 , b 2 , and b 3 are three scalar values (α, β, γ) that satisfy the relations

(^) bb b b=α (^) 0 12+β +γ (11.14)
(^) α+ β+γ=1.
These are exactly the weights we seek for our three-clip weighted average.
Barycentric coordinates are illustrated in Figure 11.36.
Note that plugging the barycentric coordinate (1, 0, 0) into Equation
(11.14) yields b 0 , while (0, 1, 0) gives us b 1 and (0, 0, 1) produces b 2. Likewise,
plugging these blend weights into Equation (11.13) gives us poses ()P 0 j, ()P 1 j,
Clip A
b 0
Clip B
Clip C
b 1
b 2
Figure 11.35. Two-dimensional animation blending between three animation clips.

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