and ()P 2 j, respectively. Furthermore, the barycentric coordinate (⅓, ⅓, ⅓) lies
at the centroid of the triangle and gives us an equal blend between the three
poses. This is exactly what we’d expect. Generalized Two-Dimensional LERP Blending
The barycentric coordinate technique can be extended to an arbitrary number
of animation clips positioned at arbitrary locations within the two-dimension-
al blend space. We won’t describe it in its entirety here, but the basic idea is
to use a technique known as Delaunay triangulation (htt p://en.wikipedia.org/
wiki/Delaunay_triangulation) to fi nd a set of triangles given the positions of
the various animation clips bi. Once the triangles have been determined, we
can fi nd the triangle that encloses the desired point b and then perform a
three-clip LERP blend as described above. This is shown in Figure 11.37.
b 0
b 1
b 2
Figure 11.36. Various barycentric coordinates within a triangle.
b 0 Clip A
Clip B
b 1
Clip C
Clip D Clip E Clip F
Clip G
Clip H Clip I
Clip J
b 2
b 3
b 4 b^5
b 6
b 7
b 8
b 9
Figure 11.37. Delaunay triangulation between an arbitrary number of animation clips
positioned at arbitrary locations in two-dimensional blend space.
11.6. Animation Blending