Game Engine Architecture

(Ben Green) #1

Some examples of full-screen post eff ects include

z high dynamic range (HDR) lighting and bloom ;
z full-screen anti-aliasing (FSAA);
z color correction and color-shift eff ects, including bleach bypass , satura-
tion and de-saturation eff ects, etc.
It is common for a game engine to have an eff ects system component that
manages the specialized rendering needs of particles, decals, and other vi-
sual eff ects. The particle and decal systems are usually distinct components
of the rendering engine and act as inputs to the low-level renderer. On the
other hand, light mapping , environment mapping, and shadows are usually
handled internally within the rendering engine proper. Full-screen post ef-
fects are either implemented as an integral part of the renderer or as a separate
component that operates on the renderer’s output buff ers. Front End

Most games employ some kind of 2D graphics overlaid on the 3D scene for
various purposes. These include

z the game’s heads-up display (HUD);
z in-game menus, a console, and/or other development tools, which may or
may not be shipped with the fi nal product;
z possibly an in-game graphical user interface (GUI), allowing the player to
manipulate his or her character’s inventory, confi gure units for batt le, or
perform other complex in-game tasks.

This layer is shown in Figure 1.22. Two-dimensional graphics like these are
usually implemented by drawing textured quads (pairs of triangles) with an
orthographic projection. Or they may be rendered in full 3D, with the quads
bill-boarded so they always face the camera.
We’ve also included the full-motion video (FMV) system in this layer. This
system is responsible for playing full-screen movies that have been recorded

1.6. Runtime Engine Architecture

Front End
Heads-Up Display (HUD) Full-Motion Video (FMV)

In-Game GUI In-Game Menus Wrappers / Attract Mode

In-Game Cinematics (IGC)

Figure 1.22. Front end graphics.

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