Training Guide: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Ebook

(Nora) #1

Practice exercises CHAPTER 3 123

FIGURE 3-19 he Web Calculator user interfaceT

  1. Switch back to Visual Studio by pressing Alt+Tab. Notice that the title bar says

  2. Press Shift+F5 to stop debugging. Note that Shift+F5 works only when Visual Studio
    has the focus. It does not work when the running application has the focus.

Exercise 2: Add the QUnit testing framework

In this exercise, you continue with the project from Exercise 1 and add the QUnit test frame-
work, which will help you with your JavaScript development for the calculator.

  1. Open the project from Exercise 1.
    If you didn’t perform Exercise 1, you can use the project located in the Exercise 2 Start

  2. In the Solution Explorer window, add QUnit by right-clicking the WebCalculator node.
    Click Manage NuGet Packages, choose Online, and type QUnit in the search box.
    Install QUnit for ASP.NET MVC.

  3. In the Solution Explorer window, add a JavaScript file for your JavaScript tests by right-
    clicking the Scripts folder. Click Add and choose JavaScript File. Set name to tests.js
    and click OK.

  4. In the Solution Explorer window, add an HTML test page by right-clicking the
    WebCalculator project node. Click Add and choose HTML Page. Name the page
    CalculatorTests.html and click OK.

  5. Add markup in the element of the CalculatorTests.html file that adds refer-
    ences to the QUnit.css file, QUnit.js file, CalculatorLibrary.js file, and tests.js file.

  6. To complete the QUnit framework setup, add markup in the element for the
    QUnit header, banner, toolbar, user agent tests, and fixture. Your HTML source should
    look like the following:
    <!DOCTYPE html>

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