Training Guide: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Ebook

(Nora) #1

Lesson 2: Blend for Visual Studio 2012 CHAPTER 1 19

You can click the plus signs on the right side of the panel to add a new style rule at that
location. The yellow line indicates where new styles will be created if a location is not speci-
fied. Style rules that are dimmed are defined but not used in the current document.

Live DOM panel
The Live DOM panel displays the structure of the current document as a hierarchical repre-
sentation, as shown in Figure 1-12. With the Live DOM panel, you can select elements and
adjust their style rules. The Live DOM view provides automatic updating as the state of the
app changes.

FIGURE 1-12 he Live DOM panel displaying a hierarchical representation of the current documentT

The Live DOM panel displays nodes by using their ID if an ID is assigned or by using the
tag name if no ID is assigned. You can control the visibility of any node by clicking the eye
icon on the right side of the panel. This can be helpful when you have layers of elements
stacked on top of each other.
As with Visual Studio, you can press F5 to run the application. Blend has many features that
you can learn about by using the built-in help.

Lesson summary

■■The interactive mode enables you to run the application to build to the desired state
and then pause the application and set the styles of the application based on the cur-
rent state.
■■The Assets panel contains a list of all available assets in the project.
■■The Projects panel contains a file and folder view of the projects in the current
■■The Style Rules panel contains a list of all style sheets attached to the current
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