Training Guide: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Ebook

(Nora) #1

Practice exercises CHAPTER 1 21

Exercise 1: Hello World with Visual Studio Express 2012 for

Windows 8

In this exercise, you create a simple HTML5 and JavaScript Hello World application by using
Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows 8. This practice, like all Hello World applications, is
intended to get you started by creating a minimal application. In later exercises, you get more
exposure to Visual Studio. In this exercise, you use HTML5 to display “Hello Visual Studio for
Windows 8” on the screen.

  1. If you haven’t installed Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows 8, do so now. You can
    download this from the Microsoft website.

  2. Start Visual Studio. Click File and choose New Project to display the New Project dialog
    box. Navigate to Installed | Templates | JavaScript | Windows Store. Select Blank App.

  3. Set the name of your application to HelloVisualStudioForWin8.

  4. Select a location for your application.

  5. Set the solution name to HelloVisualStudioForWin8Solution.

  6. Be sure to keep the Create Directory For Solution check box selected.

  7. Click OK to create your new project.

  8. When the application is created, the default.js file is displayed with some template
    This code is covered later, and there is no need to alter it now.

  9. Open the default.html file.
    It contains HTML from the template.

  10. To see the default content, press F5 to start debugging the application.
    You should see a black screen and, in the upper-left corner, a message stating,
    “Content goes here.”

  11. Switch back to Visual Studio by pressing Alt+Tab.
    The title bar says (Running).

  12. Press Shift+F5 to stop debugging.
    Shift+F5 works only when Visual Studio has the focus; it does not work when the run-
    ning application has the focus.

  13. In the default.html file, replace the “Content goes here” message with Hello Visual
    Studio for Windows 8.

  14. Replace the reference to ui-dark.css with ui-light.css.
    Your HTML should look like the following.
    <!DOCTYPE html>


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