Understanding the Anointing
who believed in faith and healing that I could fellowship with.
We need fellowship.
Now, you don't have to go to Full Gospel services too long
until people start preaching and testifying about the baptism in
the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. When they did, I closed
my ears, because I didn't know whether it was right or wrong. I
thought, I ' l l just put up with a little fanaticism to have a little
fellowship around faith and healing. I was about to enroll in a
Baptist seminary.
Yes, you can be thoroughly saved, get people saved and
healed every Sunday, see miracles performed, and still close
your ears to other things of the Word. God will bless you all He
can, because He's out to bless you. He's not out to "get" you,
praise the Lord.
He'll confirm His Word. If you preach about salvation,
people will get saved. If you preach about healing, people will
get healed.
I preached water baptism, and people got baptized in water. I
preached prayer, and people prayed. I preached living right, and
people lived right. But none of them got baptized with the Holy
Spirit, because I never said anything about it!
'This Holy Ghost Business'
Walking down the street one day in April 1937 in my
hometown, I said to the Lord, "Now, Lord, who's right about this
Holy Ghost business?
"My church says that if you're born again, you're born of the
Spirit [and that's true, but a half truth does more damage than an
untruth]. They say that's all there is to it; it ends right there."
And I began to quote Dr. So-and-so and another renowned
Baptist minister.
Then I said, "Now, these Pentecostal people say that they're
baptized with the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4. But one or
two other Baptist fellows whom I like real well tell me there is
an experience subsequent to salvation called the baptism in the