Understanding the Anointing

(Chris Devlin) #1
How the Anointing Led Me

We didn't say "hallelujah" in my church, but I said it half a
dozen times. It felt like somebody had built a bonfire inside me.
It began to burn and it blazed up. It seemed like I could "see"
strange words coming up, and it seemed like I knew what they
would sound like if they were spoken. I started speaking them
I talked in tongues for an hour and a half and sang three
songs in tongues, glory to God.
That anointing—the same Spirit—the same voice—that led
me into divine healing of a deformed heart and almost total
paralysis led me right into this experience. He'll teach you, too,
if you'll listen to Him.
Every believer has that anointing.
Notice I didn't say every Spirit-filled believer. Every
believer has that anointing in him.

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