Understanding the Anointing
wasn't up yet when I arrived at the hospital.
I read the Scripture to her. I said, "I'm going to pray for you.
Here's what the Bible says."
I had a little bottle of olive oil, and I told her, "I'm going to
anoint you with oil." Then I said, "Here it says that these signs
shall follow them that believe. They will lay hands on the sick.
I'm going to lay hands on you."
Although I was used to seeing people get healed, I didn't
expect it to happen as fast as it did. When I started praying for
her, she exclaimed, "WHOOOO! I've got it!" and jumped right
out of bed. She never was operated on. Now, if that'll work for
the Baptists, it'll work for anybody! And I didn't have the
baptism with the Holy Spirit yet.
I saw healings like hers as a Baptist preacher when I didn't
have any special anointing to pray for the sick, and I never felt a
thing. Being Baptist, I didn't know I was supposed to feel
anything. Yet God honors His Word.
When I changed over into the Full Gospel ministry, I didn't
get a "new" Holy Spirit, or a different Holy Spirit. He's not
twins. He's not triplets. There's just one Holy Spirit—but the
anointing may be varied. Actually, He does all the work of God.
My fellow ministers and Bible teachers among the Southern
Baptists had warned me against going among Full Gospel
people. One outstanding Bible teacher, a graduate of a famous
Baptist seminary, said, "Kenneth, now you be careful about
those Full Gospel people."
"Why?" I asked.
"That speaking in tongues is of the devil," he said.
I didn't know whether it was or wasn't. I just knew the
Pentecostals were right in believing about divine healing, so I
kept fellowshipping with them. It strengthened my faith to be
around people who believed in healing. After I got filled with
the Holy Spirit and spoke with other tongues, I almost ran to
find that Bible teacher.