The Anointing of the Prophet
we didn't have a tape recorder with us. He got most of it.
I've never had an experience exactly like this. I've had two
similar experiences since then, but not with the same measure of
It seemed as if I were sitting beside myself on the edge of
that bed. It seemed as if there were two of me. I was listening
with my physical ears to what this fellow sitting beside me said.
It seemed to me that I had nothing whatsoever to do with
what he was saying. It seemed as if I were completely taken over
by the Spirit of God. Once I began to yield to the Spirit, it was
the easiest thing in the world.
For two hours the Lord took us through the years 1964,
1965, 1966, 1967, and 1968: five years. He told us what was
going to happen in Vietnam, and He told us what was going to
happen with our government.
He also told us that a man who stood in the forefront of the
ministry would be taken. I still have the prophecy as Brother
Hon took it down.
It reads, "Satan shall destroy his life. His soul shall be saved
and his work shall follow him. Ere 1966 shall come, he shall be
gone." It happened. It wasn't God's full plan or full purpose for
him, but nonetheless it happened.
I experienced a similar overwhelming anointing on April 30,
1980, while teaching at our Prayer and Healing School on the
RHEMA campus in Tulsa, Oklahoma. (It happens to me
sometimes in preaching, but more often in teaching.)
Let me show you something about the prophet's ministry. I
don't operate there all the time, but neither did Elijah and Elisha.
Suddenly while teaching the Word (I'm a teacher so I can
operate in that office all the time), I moved over into this other
area. Right in front of me, with my eyes wide open, I had what I
call a "mini-vision."
As if it had literally happened, I saw a young woman
standing in the aisle. I saw myself point to her and say, "Be