Understanding the Anointing

(Chris Devlin) #1
Understanding the Anointing

take time to get alone with God or take time to pray together to
get the anointing on them.
I have found that when musicians really flow with the Spirit,
it will cause the anointing to come on me stronger to stand in the
office of the prophet.
I know what the Scripture means when it said the minstrel
played and the hand of the Lord moved. There have been times
when I have gotten the right kind of music, and I have moved
over into the prophet's office and have ministered for as long as
three hours. Prophecy just flowed out of me. I can't minister that
way every time—even though I do minister in a certain measure
of anointing—for there are measures of anointing.

The Right Song
In 1958, I was the main speaker at a convention being held
in Kansas by the Foursquare denomination. One night the spirit
of the prophet moved upon me. I can't bring it on myself, but I
can yield to it when it comes, and music helps.
They had an orchestra there made up of people who had
come from different churches. I said to them, "The anointing of
the prophet is coming on me! Play something." They began to
play "Preach the Word," a song written by Aimee Semple
The anointing came on me and I ministered under it from 9
o'clock until midnight—three hours. Oh, what a service! I got
caught up in the glory. Half the time I couldn't see. It was as if
there were a hazy cloud over the whole room. I don't know to
this day what I did or said. I just remember when the anointing
came and when it lifted.
If they had played the wrong song, they would have killed
the whole thing.
You see, it's necessary that singers and musicians be in tune
with the Spirit of God as much as the minister is. If they're not,
everybody would be better off if there were no musicians
participating in the service! (That's the reason I don't want any

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