Understanding the Anointing

(Chris Devlin) #1
Understanding the Anointing

Elymas was blind because of the power of God that had come on
I've seen things like that happen under my own ministry, and
I'm thoroughly convinced that as we learn how to cooperate
better with the Spirit of God, there will be even greater
manifestations of these things in the last days.

Struck Speechless by the Spirit
Sometimes when I'm preaching, the Spirit of God comes on
me, arrests my attention, and I can't say a word in English. I can
speak in tongues, but I can't speak in English (I've tried to.) I can
think in English, but I can't say a single word in English—I just
absolutely can't. I've been that way sometimes for several hours.
It happened in a great way at our 1981 Campmeeting. I
simply couldn't speak in English. The longest time was at Fred
Price's church in Inglewood, California, the following month,
August 1981.
I had finished my sermon and was laying hands on the sick
when suddenly that anointing came on me, and I could not say
one word in English.
I turned around and said in tongues to Fred (for I could
speak in tongues, but not in English), "You go ahead and lay
hands on the people and finish the healing line."
Fred understood me as if I had spoken to him in English. He
said to me in tongues—and I heard it as if he were speaking in
English, although everybody else heard it in tongues—"All
right, you lay your finger in my hands that I may minister with
the same anointing, and I will pray for them." I did so, he began
to minister, and it seemed as if there were a stronger surge of
power than before. I stood there and watched the whole thing,
but still couldn't speak in English.
After the service, we went to Fred's home to fellowship and
eat. I would start to say something, and I'd say it in tongues.
When we were ready to eat, I still couldn't talk to Fred and his
family. I began wondering if I'd ever get back to where I could

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