Endocrine Glands Questions DIRECTIONS: Each item below contains a question or incomplete statement followed by suggested respons ...
225.Which of the following applies to the gland shown in the photomi- crograph and labeled with the arrow in the MRI below? 342 ...
Endocrine Glands 343 226.During the physical examination of a newborn child, it is observed that the genitalia are female, but m ...
227.A 33-year-old woman visits the office of her family medicine physi- cian. Her chief complaint is nervousness. She describes ...
Endocrine Glands 345 228.Which of the following cells or parts of the pituitary are derived embryologically from neuroectoderm? ...
231.Refer to the photomicrograph below in answering this question. The low-magnification micrograph (A)and is from the same orga ...
a. Hypertrophy of zone A only b. Hypertrophy of zones A, B, and C only c. Hypotrophy of zones A, B, and C only d. Hypotrophy of ...
232.The region labeled C is not a good candidate for transplantation compared with other endocrine glands for which of the follo ...
233.A 45-year-old woman, who works as a corporate executive, presents with the primary complaint of “always being tired.” She co ...
Endocrine Glands Answers 223.The answer is b.(Kasper, pp 2127–2129. Junqueira, pp 400–402, 406.) Metabolism in the adrenal medul ...
(answer c)].The pineal is innervated by postganglionic sympathetic fibers in a fashion similar to other glands in the head and n ...
hyperthyroidism. Patients with Graves’ disease produce autoantibodies to TSH receptors. CD8+-T cells are also generated against ...
amino acids. When iodide enters the follicular cells, it undergoes oxida- tion. Thyroglobulin is iodinated while in the colloid, ...
LH- and FSH-producing gonadotroph-adenomas occur, but tend to result in hypogonadism. Somatotropic tumors produce GH and cause g ...
Other tumors of the islets of Langerhans include insulinomas in which elevated levels of insulin are secreted into the bloodstre ...
232.The answer is c.(Young, pp 309–314. Moore and Persaud, Developing, pp 445–448. Junqueira, pp 392–399. Sadler, pp 300–301.)Th ...
The region labeled Ais the posterior pituitary that stores oxytocin and vasopressin in dilated axonal terminals. Overall, the pi ...
gland. In contrast, only about 20% of T 3 (triiodothyronine) is produced by the thyroid gland. T3 is formed in the liver and kid ...
Reproductive Systems Questions DIRECTIONS: Each item below contains a question or incomplete statement followed by suggested res ...
236.A patient biopsy is reviewed by a pathologist. She diagnoses the tumor as originating from the cells delineated with the sta ...
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