to fuse with the medial nasal process. The mandibular process (answers a and b)doesnotnormally fuse with either the lateral or m ...
ascend through the transverse foramina of the sixth to the first cervical ver- tebrae, but not the seventh. They enter the crani ...
293.The answer is a. (Waxman, pp 86–91, 117–122.) The nucleus ambiguus, along with special visceral efferent (SVE) components of ...
the pharynx and have no external connections. The internal opening for this fistula would most likely be within the bed of the p ...
artery and is primarily distributed to the basal ganglia, hippocampus, and choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle. The posterio ...
palatopharyngeal arch, likewise is formed by the palatopharyngeus muscle. The palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus muscles insert ...
at the spinal tap. One would not want to give TPA to a patient with a hem- orrhagic stroke because it would probably make condit ...
second branchial arch) and raises that bone during swallowing. The distal tendon of the stylohyoid muscle is split by the digast ...
expose a portion of the spinal cord and its covering. This usually occurs near the caudal end of the neural tube. If there is no ...
310.The answer is c.(Moore and Dalley, pp 1094–1099.)The posterior cricoarytenoid muscles rotate the arytenoids laterally, which ...
313.The answer is d.(Moore and Dalley, p 1137.)Cranial nerve IV has a long intracranial course, so it has an increased chance of ...
a muscle of facial expression and assists mastication by working with the tongue to keep food on the occlusive surfaces of the t ...
site of the spinal tap to stimulate closing of the hole in the meninges.) This may lead to sliding of the brain down the foramen ...
along with CN IV, V 1 , and VI. Neither glaucoma (answer d)nor parotid gland tumor (answer e)would present with those symptoms. ...
and the vagus nerve. Answers aandbare notcorrect because the carotid sheath contains the vagus, notthe sympathetic chain, northe ...
325.The answer is c.(Moore and Dalley, pp 945–947, 954–955.)One of the risks of the surgical resection is that she may develop r ...
lingual and chorda tympani nerves, which are much deeper and unlikely to be at risk. The mandibular division of the mandible inn ...
have no tongue movement and the tongue would atrophy. Shortening the posterior belly of the digastric (answer c)would worsen the ...
Thorax Questions DIRECTIONS: Each item below contains a question or incomplete statement followed by suggested responses. Select ...
331.A mammogram of a woman, age 48, reveals macrocalcification within the right breast, indicating the need for biopsy. The surg ...
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