
(coco) #1

46.Inhibition of actin assembly by cytochalasins would interfere primarily
with which of the following?

a. Separation of chromosomes in anaphase of the cell cycle
b. Vesicular transport between the Golgi apparatus and cell membrane
c. Ciliary movement
d. Phagocytic activity by macrophages
e. The structure of centrioles

47.Chloroquine is a weak base that neutralizes acidic organelles. In a pan-
creatic beta cell, which of the following would be a direct effect of chloro-
quine treatment?

a. Increased proinsulin content in secretory vesicles
b. Increased release of C peptide
c. Increased number of amylase-containing secretory vesicles
d. Reduced translation of glucagon mRNA
e. Increased stability of insulin mRNA

Cell Biology: Cytoplasm 111
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